In Conversation With Marina Alonso

| In Conversation with Marina Alonso. Photographer, Surfer, Model, Muse. Ethereal Being - |
KATE | Ha-ha, what an intro! Speaking of ethereal beings - do you have a spirit animal?
MARINA | Hahaha. I would love it to be a mermaid, but it's probably a golden retriever!
KATE | Marina, can I just say you have such a cool, calming energy about you. Is that something you were born with do you think or do you cultivate calm via your lifestyle?
MARINA | Ohhh, thanks! My primary school teacher used to say that. I feel like I come across way calmer than I might actually be hahaha. But yup... I don't romanticize stress culture at all, I take little steps every day to make my life as rush free as possible.
KATE | We chose you as our first Blyss muse because in our opinion, you embody the water element, the colour blue. Have you ever tapped into colour therapy?
MARINA | Yes, when I was little and we had to treat my dad for cancer, one of the palliative treatments towards the end was colour therapy and blue was it for him. We moved to a little house in front of the sea.
KATE | So beautiful Marina. Thank-you so much for sharing a piece of your soul with us. According to colour therapy philosophies, the colour blue has a sedative quality that promotes deep calmness and helps to open up intuition. It’s known as the colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind. Are you naturally attracted to wearing the colour blue?
MARINA | I have the word 'Azul' which translates to 'blue' in Spanish tattooed in the back of my neck :)
KATE | Woooah. Choosing you as our muse was destined to be, I'm getting little chills. And when did your deep love for the ocean begin?
MARINA | I was born near the ocean and I've loved it for as long as I can remember.
KATE | Is surfing your form of meditation?
MARINA | Meditation and fun.
KATE) Do you have a current mantra? If so, what is it & why?
MARINA) I don't know if it's a mantra per se, but since a teen I've always loved Confucius'. "I buy rice to live and I buy flowers to have something to live for".
KATE | Love that Marina, thank-you for sharing. Okay, Second last question. Do you have an Ocean Conservation Org that you respect and would urge others to follow, donate their time or money to?
MARINA | I've supported 'Save Posidonia Project' for the past decade as they work tirelessly to protect the Western Mediterranean Sea which is my home. You can come check out what they are doing Here
KATE | Thank-you Marina.... Ok last question. What is your favorite Blyss piece?
MARINA | This is a tough one! The Tie dye tee dresses are dreamy and soft and just beautiful for the everyday life, but the long dress, ohhhhh!
KATE | Yey! Happy you love! And thank-you so much for the energy you brought to our very first Blyss campaign. You are pure magic, & we literally can’t wait to work with you again.